Diatex Diabreaker

DIABREAKER is a vacuum line made of a non-woven polyester filled with thermoplastic microspheres, laminated with a release film, and holding a spiral tube which maintains the vacuum all along the product.

  • DIABREAKER avoids over-consumption of resin by slowing down the resin as soon as the flow front gets into contact with it, while keeping the resin moving forward, and maintaining a good vacuum level.
  • DIABREAKER allows to drain entrapped air bubbles, to get fully infused fibers,
  • Thanks to ELA20 release film, the product is easily peeled off from the part during demolding operation.
Diatex Diadrain

DIADRAIN is a flat resin or vacuum channel. It consists of a three-dimensional polyester filament core structure wrapped in a non woven polyester sleeve.

  • Works as resin supply channel or vacuum channel in vacuum infusion process.
  • Flexible. Easy to cut to size.
Diatex Diadrain MP

DIADRAIN MP is placed around the mold instead of the spiral pipe: when the resin reaches DIADRAIN MP, it is stopped meanwhile the gas is still eliminated from the laminate. DIADRAIN MP can also be set at any place on the laminate.

  • Very fast implementation of vacuum channels
  • Flexible.
    Easy to cut to size.
Diatex LDPE Pipe 10/12mm

Diameter (Internal): 10 mm
Diameter (External): 12 mm
Length: 100 ml
Temperature: max. 75°C
Material: PEBD
Information: Can be used as resin distributor or vacuum line.

Diatex Spiral Tube MP

SPIRAL MP is a microporous vacuum channel used for vacuum infusion parts manufacturing. SPIRAL MP is made of a spiral tube wrapped in the PES90MP microporous peel ply. To reduce marking, you can use the

SPIRAL MP is a microporous vacuum channel used for vacuum infusion parts manufacturing. SPIRAL MP is made of a spiral tube wrapped in the PES90MP microporous peel ply. To reduce marking, you can use the microporous DIADRAIN MP.

Very fast implementation of vacuum channels
Very flexible. Easy to cut to size.

  • Very fast implementation of vacuum channels
  • Very flexible. Easy to cut to size.
Diatex Spiral Tubing 10/12READ MORE